About Us
Emirates Bio Fertilizers Factory is the leading bio fertilizers company in the Middle East located in the industrial city of Al Ain, UAE.
In 1996, "Emirates Bio Fertilizer Factory" or EBFF was established as an organic and Bio fertilizer factory and started commercial production in 1997 producing heat treated organic fertilizers derived from recycling local organic animal (cow-poultry) wastes.
With a production capacity of 250,000 metric tons per year, EBFF served and ful lled the fertilizer requirements of its major clients in the UAE, as well as its export markets in the Gulf countries and 15 international markets, including Oman, Algeria, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Yemen.
Its products have gained signi cant popularity and reputation for productivity in all these countries.
Our Goals
This will continue to be the mission of EBFF, striving to reach more markets by expanding its product line of eco-friendly agricultural fertilizers and nutritional supplements. Values At EBFF, the core values are its key to its growth and stability.
Environment Protection is a Priority
Customer satisfaction
Product Innovation & Quality
Teamwork & Employee Quali cation
Ethics and Integrity
Our Vision
To be the leading producer of value-adding organic fertilizers and solutions in the UAE and the GCC community
Our Mission
To protect human health and environment from the toxic harmful chemicals, promote soil
fertility and sustainability, and preserve the biological and agricultural food chain system.
EBFF is committed and inspired with the mission of safeguarding the environment from the
harmful pathogens and diseases brought about by untreated fertilizers available in the
market and imported from overseas.
Over the years, continuous research & development initiatives in developing organic
solutions have been introduced to cater to the di erent needs of the farm” market in UAE
and exported to a growing list of international markets, given the factory’s daily capacity of
500 metric tons.
Awards and Recognition
In recognition of its achievements, EBFF has been awarded by di erent recognizing bodies, with the following awards and certi cates:
- Khalifa International Date Palm Award-Distinguished Product 2008
- ISO Certi cates 9001:2015 (Quality Management System) and ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System)
- COAE (Center of Organic Agriculture in Egypt) certi cate 2011
- International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement, 2001
- DAR (Deutcher Akkreditierug Rat) Membership
- Sheikh Khalifa Industry (Gold) Award for 2001/2000/1999
- ECOCERT Product Attestation since 2013
- OSHAD Certi cate of Occupational Health and Safety System, 2017